Sunday, January 9, 2011

New Thing #1 Buy a Lottery Ticket

When I was younger my mom bought me a deck of cards called "52 Things to Try Once in Your Life". So I decided that this year I'd do one new thing a week from the deck, and squeeze these experiences into my blog.

The Mega Millions jackpot was up to $355 Million last week, so it seemed like a good time for the "Buy a lottery ticket" first. Now, the truth is that I've played scratch tickets and Keno before, which technically qualify as "lottery tickets", but I'd never bought a ticket to a big game.

I didn't think I had any superstitions about "lucky numbers", so I got 10 Quick Picks for me, and John had asked for 10 quick picks too. Turns out that I do have superstitions about lucky numbers because I quickly claimed the two slips that had 8's on them. The drawing wasn't until 11 something, which is past my bedtime, so the next morning I checked my tickets. No Luck.

But what would I have done with that money if I had won. I'd want a bigger house, and of course I'd take care of all my family and close friends, and give some extra to my favorite charities. But I really don't know what I'd have done with the rest. What would you do with more money than you needed?

Friday, December 31, 2010


In honor of the New Year it only seems appropriate to pay homage to the adage “Out with the old, in with the new”. So here’s a recap of the highlights of 2010 and a look forward at my ambitions for 2011!!!

2010 Highlights:
Lots of fantastic things happened in 2010. In May I became an aunt again to a beautiful baby girl. In July I was voted the new Vice President of Administration for the Massachusetts Association of Crime Analysts. In September I abandoned the “Platz” name and took on the “Antul” name in my proud new role as wife to the greatest husband I could ask for. In Sept/Oct I spent two weeks island hopping in Hawaii. In November I was invited to be the Administration Chairperson for the 2011 IACA/MACA conference committee. Very excited about that! I traveled to Mexico in December and saw the Mayan ruins. I also stayed true to my favorite charities & causes throughout 2010: St. Jude’s Research Hospital, Make a Wish Foundation, March of Dimes, and the American Diabetes Association in honor of both my parents who live with diabetes.

2011 is going to be another busy, fun filled year! Of course I'll be working full time at the greatest job ever, volunteering for the Senior Support Team, planning 12 trainings for MACA, helping plan the 2011 IACA/MACA conference, and putting an addition onto our house. Yikes! In addition I aim to accomplish the following:
  1. Career: Publish another article, Complete one new GREAT presentation, Create 2 new preventative products for my Department.
  2. Financial: Double my personal savings.
  3. Health/Fitness: Get the strong core I've always wanted but never had. Preferably by swimsuit season.
  4. Recreation: Take a trip somewhere new and try 52 new things I've never done before.
  5. Community: Ramp up volunteer work for the Senior Support Team
  6. Relationships: See each member of my immediate family at least once a month. I simply didn't see them enough in 2010.
  7. Spiritual: Okay, so I know it's not exactly super spiritual, but my goal here is to continue with my monthly massage. That's my me-time. I'll also try to spend more time outdoors instead of living in my kitchen!

Of course every year also has its share of unexpected sadness, but let these serve as silent reminders to keep a good life perspective, to live life in moments, to move on quickly from setbacks and to linger in happy times. Here's to 2011! Cheers!